Eye Surgery
At Hawaiian Eye Center, we offer a wide range of eye services for our patients, including medical and routine office visits (optometry type services) as well as a number of eye surgeries (from our ophthalmologists). Most surgery is performed in our ambulatory surgery facility in Wahiawa on Oahu. Our eye surgery and laser suite is part of one of the most comprehensive eye surgery centers in Hawaii. It features the most advanced equipment available for specialized eye care. Our 2 fully equipped, hi-tech surgery suites make Hawaiian Eye Center among the safest and most comfortable locations for your eye procedure. Stop in today for the finest customer care in Hawaii!

It is important for you to understand that no surgical procedure is without risk. Complications sometimes happen although they are rare. Most problems which occur can be corrected and only slow the healing process. Rarely, additional surgery may be required for the best possible outcome. In very unusual cases, side effects such as vision loss, chronic pain, and even blindness can occur due to complications of surgery. While there are some risks involved with eye surgeries, the benefits are usually considerable and often life changing.
Another thing to keep in mind is that there are conditions that affect vision such as diabetes, glaucoma, macular degeneration, or stroke. This can limit or affect eyesight even when surgery is perfect. We can’t always accurately predict the outcome of surgery.
Before any eye surgery, and after explaining the details of surgery as they apply to your eye, we will ask you to sign an informed consent form for your operation, indicating that you understand your options regarding the procedure and possible complications and risks. If there is something you do not understand, please clarify it before you sign the forms. We are here to help you and be sure you understand as much as possible about the procedure. You may also refer to our services page if there is a specific surgery you’d like to learn more about.
Most insurance plans pay for necessary eye surgeries such as cataract removal. Many will also pay for a pair of glasses after surgery. The amount you will pay for the procedure will depend on your insurance and the procedure you require. We will provide you with a written estimate prior to surgery which is as accurate as possible so you have an idea of what your costs will be. Please note: Sometimes our estimates are inaccurate due to changing insurance rules. Payment amounts may need to be corrected when we receive payment or other notification from your insurance plan. If complications occur associated with your surgery, additional procedures may become necessary. Additional procedures usually also mean additional costs. Many of these costs are covered by insurance, but there could be additional fees for you. While this is rare, you should be aware that further surgery could be required, and there could be additional costs.
There may also be extra options we offer with some of our surgeries which are not covered by insurance. This may include getting advanced lens implants instead of standard lens implants, which offer more benefits but require using special measurements. If you choose to have additional work done, we will give you an estimate of the additional costs that are not covered by insurance.
Before your procedure, we will give you instructions on how to prepare your eye. It is important that you follow these instructions as they can decrease the risk of complications and infections. Depending on the surgery, we may ask that someone should drive you to the Surgicenter on the day of surgery as you will not be able to drive home. We usually have transportation available if you arrange it in advance.
We also ask that you keep your doctor informed on any medical conditions or lifestyle choices, as it may affect surgery. If you have Diabetes, you may receive special instructions on diet and the use of your diabetes medicines. If you wear contact lenses, you may be asked to keep them out of your eyes for a period of time prior to surgery.
Many eye surgeries require you to arrange for someone to bring you to the Surgicenter on the day of surgery, as you will not be able to drive home. However, we understand this may not always be possible, and if you need transportation, we can often arrange pick up in our courtesy van. Please speak to the staff to arrange transportation before the day of the procedure. For patients traveling from the neighbor islands, we can help you arrange air transportation and will have our courtesy van meet you at the airport and take you to our Surgicenter.
With modern advances in eye care and surgery, there are typically few limitations on your activities afterwards though this depends on the circumstances. You will get instructions both immediately after surgery, and on the day following the procedure of proper after-care steps.
With most procedures, it is best to rest and let your body recover from any side effects of the surgery or anesthesia, if given. However, it is usually OK to return to normal activities as soon as you feel up to it, unless instructed otherwise. After an eye surgery, we recommend taking precautionary steps to protect the eye (usually sunglasses), avoid getting water in the eye or rubbing the eye, and cover the eye with a protective shield at night for the first several weeks to reduce the chance of injury.
Please call the office immediately if you have any problem at all after surgery. There is always a doctor available.
If you have a sudden new eye problem, especially if you have had recent eye surgery, it is important to see an eye specialist promptly. After hours and on weekends, you can reach our “doctor on call” by calling the “Physicians Exchange” at 808-524-2575. From the neighbor island, you can call the Exchange toll free at 1-800-360-2575. If you have trouble finding an eye specialist available, you should visit a nearby emergency room.
Contact us for more information about the services we provide.